
Veggie burritos, books and blogs

Hello there!!

I’m being super lazy this afternoon and just hanging around the house, playing on the computer and reading. In my defense, I have already worked out, gone to the grocery store and drug store and put dinner in the crock pot.

Speaking of dinner…


veg burritos

I saw this recipe for “Awesome Vegetarian Burritos” on Spark and saved it to my recipe folder. I’m trying to use my crock pot more so I can make more dishes with leftover and hypothetically plan fewer meals during the week. (and thus buy fewer groceries.) Hopefully it will taste as good as the recipe sounds.

I also didn’t want to buy many groceries for this week because Gray and I are leaving for PITTSBURGH Wednesday night. We’ll be able to spend the 4th of July with my parents, Papa and  Betty (basically an extra grandma to Sarah and me) before we drive over to Penn State Friday to get ready for my freshman year roommate Kim’s wedding! (Note to self: Don’t forget bridesmaid dress.)

I got this from the library to read on the plane. It’s also my book club pick.

goon squad

I’ve been wanting to read it for a while now. It’s supposed to be awesome.

I’m so excited for Kim to marry Craig. They started dating when Kim and I were juniors and Craig was a sophomore. They’re wedding will be tons of fun and at our alma mater. And I never miss a chance to visit PSU.

I also kind of feel like I should be making note of random things I will need to do for Gray’s and my wedding. My mom apparently did take notes at a friend’s wedding recently.

I will probably need all the help I can get. 🙂

But that brings me to my last random point. I started a new little blog project called “How I Paid For My Wedding.” I’m hoping to chronicle and the tips and tricks Gray and I use to save money and also keep wedding costs in line.

So that’s it. Hope you all have a happy Saturday!

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